Fittest ever at 44 years old...It's not me

Fitness coordinated with hormonal pattern

Dear Friend,

I’ll just say it’s not easy to be my friend since I push myself and all those around me to be in optimal health.

As discussed in prior newsletters, it’s also not easy being my mom even at 80 years old.

That said, my wife Crizen is a beast and while I’d like to take credit for that, she’s her own animal.

New to Fitness:

Crizen started working out after our second child Nina, 11 years ago. Crizen has always had a small frame and as a result she didn’t see the “need” to exercise. With age and challenges returning to form with the second pregnancy, she decided to put in the work.

Coming from the Philippines in childhood, she did not have the opportunities to play sports in her youth. The lack of experience was initially a barrier, but the lack of “miles” on her body have allowed her to get here without any serious injuries or nagging pain.

“It’s never too late to start training”


Over the last year, we have been pushing a muscle-centric philosophy and protein intake. Exercise is focussed on strength training and layering in cardiovascular fitness. What we’ve landed on is a sustainable nutrition plan that allows for the enjoyment of food, while maintaining a fast metabolism and increasing muscle and strength.

As a result, Crizen has achieved the best fitness in her life at the age of 44 and after 3 kids. I usually don’t like to boast, but I’d like to celebrate Crizen and all of her hard work.

Milestones in 2024:

  • First time to do a pull-up, she cried at the gym when it happened

  • Since last year, put on 4.7 pounds of lean mass and lost 4.6 pounds of fat, body fat of 19.7% down from 23.9%.

  • VO2 max of 42.3 last year and likely higher this year with regular metabolic workouts

Exercise planned around hormones:

A key breakthrough this year is the coordination of her fitness regimen with her hormone cycle. A little known fact, that women’s menstrual pattern dictates the degree of exercise intensity they can tolerate.

Customizing Crizen’s fitness program to her menstrual cycle was key in achieving her results.

Goals going forward:

  • Sustain the current trajectory for strength and function

  • Carefully track body composition and VO2 Max. Becoming too lean can cause issues with hormonal balance

  • Maintain body movement and manage pain or injuries

At BodyTimeMD, we celebrate individual milestones all with the goal of achieving maximum health span. Hope this provides some insight, let’s talk if you are interested in finding out more about your body.

 This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute giving medical advice or endorsing any treatment. The use or application of the content herein forms no doctor-patient relationship. The information in this newsletter should not substitute for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

We just returned from an extended trip to Indonesia and Thailand. Planned and organized by Crizen to celebrate her sister Ida and brother-in-law Jeremy’s 40th birthdays. Over twenty close friends made the time to celebrate with us, we’re very grateful to have such wonderful family and friends.

