Hormone levels are low: Start HRT?

Differences in Women and Men

Dear Friend,

There has been a steady increase in the number of women being prescribed HRT from 2010 to 2020.

This is mainly a result of reeducating the safety and importance of HRT in women. That said, low levels should not be an automatic trigger to treat.

Why do we treat?

  1. Women and Men are different

  2. Bone Health

  3. Symptoms

  4. Medically indicated

Women and Men Differences:

Hormone decreases affect symptoms in both women and men including energy, sleep, and libido. The main difference being menopause which is inevitable in women, whereas men do not undergo such a drastic process.

The drop in estrogen during menopause hinders the ability to maintain bone (osteoporosis/osteopenia) leading to structural issues and fractures later in life.

The bone health factor makes HRT in women a critical consideration to the health management plan.

Symptom management:

Hormones are complex with interplays with each other and overlap in symptoms. To further complicate the picture, hormones are one of many factors that can affect a wide array of symptoms.

  • Hormones: Thyroid, testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol

  • Lifestyle: Sleep, nutrition, fitness, mental health

Example: Sleep quality is poor causing suboptimal hormones, this leads to worsened sleep. What’s the starting point?

The key is how to initiate therapies, a common practice is trying to fix all of the above at once - leaving no answer to the true issue. When the problems resurface, this becomes a challenge for the next step.

Medical Issues:

Hormone levels being suboptimal is different than an autoimmune or primary hormone dysfunction. Understanding the true picture requires the careful use and interpretation of the appropriate diagnostics.

In certain settings, hormone management may conflict with other medical issues such as coronary disease risk or cancer. These scenarios may require further testing.

Finally, the medical team needs to bring all of the information together and have a discussion for the best course of action. These are rarely black and white decisions and requires close follow-up to make necessary adjustments to the plan.

At BodyTimeMD, we carefully tailor our diagnostics to the individual and develop a plan to achieve the long-term goals. Hope this provides some insight, let’s talk if you are interested in finding out more about your body.

 This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute giving medical advice or endorsing any treatment. The use or application of the content herein forms no doctor-patient relationship. The information in this newsletter should not substitute for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Daddy Daycare adventures. Mudding outside of Houston in uncle Nico’s sweet Honda. Kids were eating mud and had at least a few scares stuck in the mud. Thanks to being equiped with a winch and snorkel we survived it all!!

