EmpowerHer launching 5/13/24

Dear Friend,

Mother’s day is coming this weekend and while I planned to pay tribute to my mother by sharing her story, a couple developments will delay her story for next time.

  1. My mom and I had a recent breakthrough that still needs to play out

  2. EmpowerHer (formerly LadyTime) is officially launching next week 5/13/24

We’ve talked about menopause and the staggering fact that it can last 7-14 years.

Women’s health has been front and center for us with Crizen and several team members entering this stage of life. Additionally, the feedback we’ve received from the community put a spotlight on the need to help women navigate this space.

Learnings from EmpowerHer pilot program:

Our pilot clients’ experiences highlight that hormone management is not a one-size-fits-all model. In fact, hormone treatment may not even be the best first move.

We offer our expansive BodyTimeMD lab set for all EmpowerHer clients in addition to a Dexa scan for baseline body composition. This allows us to obtain a comprehensive view of our clients health beyond just hormonal needs.

One of our pilot client’s results raised concerns for potential active coronary disease. Starting hormones in perimenopausal women can increase the risk of coronary disease, so these questions needed to be answered before recommending hormonal treatment.

Another pilot client, had minimal symptoms and slightly imbalanced hormone levels. Again the first move was not hormonal treatment, rather a focus on lifestyle modifications to naturally enhance hormone production.

EmpowerHer Early Signup:

While we officially start next week, we are now open for early signups. Prescription management is currently limited to Texas, but our diagnostic evaluation can be offered remotely.

At BodyTimeMD, we believe in a proactive tailored approach while having transparent discussions to best navigate the hormone space. Hope this provides some insight, let’s talk if you are interested in finding out more about your body.

 This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute giving medical advice or endorsing any treatment. The use or application of the content herein forms no doctor-patient relationship. The information in this newsletter should not substitute for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Hasegawa family sending off Crizen last year for her annual wellness bootcamp. All mothers do so much for their families and deserve to take time for themselves.


