Longevity Gold Standard Biomarker

Dear Friend,

The challenge with longevity is the duration to reach our goal…

A lifetime

Doing the work every day requires feedback and accountability to sustain it for the long haul. The problem is the lack of longevity biomarkers.

Blood tests help in determining risk for chronic disease and provide a snapshot of the system, but are not a great marker for longterm health. Dexa scans show body composition, but not fitness level. Various epigenetic clocks exist (genetic age), but there is still much unknown of their reliability and utility.

VO2 Max is the closest to a gold standard at this time

Studies on elderly with a high VO2 max consistently show youthful cardiac function and skeletal muscle health. Additionally, within our client pool we have seen a signal correlating a high VO2 max with a younger epigenetic age.

VO2 max targets are age dependent and provide feedback on your fitness state, while also providing motivation to strive further. I recently found out my younger brother, Erick (2 years apart), is effectively 7 years younger than me based on epigenetics. I suspect his VO2 max is off the charts being a Brazilian Jiujitsu fanatic. Friendly competition has always been a motivator for me, even if it’s only in my head.

Make it Obvious, Make it Easy

As we’ve discussed before, VO2 Max improving workout sessions are improved with a combination of Zone 2 and short bursts of intensity sessions. Basketball and running maintained my VO2 Max in the past, but limited time and injuries forced me to pivot.

These days I incorporate it into my usual family activities combined with equipment strategically placed in the home:

  • Rucking (during family walks)

  • Mountain Biking

  • Echo Bike (blocks my garage entryway)

  • Rower (outside the bedroom on the deck)

At BodyTimeMD, we love utilizing data as an accountability partner. In the end we’re competing against ourselves for a lifetime. Hope this provides some insight, let’s talk if you are interested in finding out more about your body.

 This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute giving medical advice or endorsing any treatment. The use or application of the content herein forms no doctor-patient relationship. The information in this newsletter should not substitute for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

I have a love-hate relationship with the Echo Bike. Having to walk around it to enter the house does make it easy to rip off a quick session on any given day.

