Pura Vida

Behavior Modification - Part 1

Dear Friend,

The Hasegawa family kicked off 2024 in Costa Rica, a country where the mantra is “Pura Vida” (Pure Life). It was refreshing to see a culture focused on nature and doing their part to preserve the ecosystem. The country has no military and puts all their resources into education and conservation.

The trip was both educational and inspirational, it pushed our family to new heights. From wildlife, hiking, repelling, zip lining, and bike riding, to my 80 year old mother hiking in the rain forest: We stepped up and overcame. Not surprising, the “favorite” experiences were also the most challenging.

The BodyTimeMD clientele is made up of successful and motivated individuals who want to do the hard work and take their health to new heights. Everyone has their own starting point and we strive to elevate their longevity.

We see the most success in making lasting behavior modifications when the following pillars are incorporated:

  • Sustainability: Long-term strategies that can be maintained, as opposed to an intense short-term goal oriented approach.

  • Prioritization: All aspects of health are important, but tackling them all at once is unrealistic. Focus on the top priority and build it into your lifestyle before moving on to the next objective.

  • Accountability: Whether it be a health coach and/or data feedback, a means to show progress and maintain accountability is key to continuous improvement.

We are proud to have our first round of clients entering their second year working with us and can report amazing progress.

Let’s talk about our miracle story, the 47 year old male who had the quintiple bypass surgery. Since being cleared to exercise from the Cardiothoracic surgeon, he is now working out at the gym regularly, rucks around his neighborhood for Zone 2 fitness, and started high intensity training to improve his VO2 max.

The results speak for themselves:

  • Lean mass increase

  • Bone mineral density increase

  • Visceral adipose tissue decrease

  • Body fat percentage decrease

  • VO2 Max increase

  • Resting metabolic rate increase

Next time we will go through tips to incorporate the above behavior pillars into your lifestyle.

At BodyTimeMD, we believe in a slow and steady approach to achieve individualized goals. Hope this provides some insight, let’s talk if you are interested in finding out more about your body.

 This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute giving medical advice or endorsing any treatment. The use or application of the content herein forms no doctor-patient relationship. The information in this newsletter should not substitute for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Biking around Arenal Volcano, completed 16 miles including a river crossing. This was after paddleboarding to the volcano earlier in the morning. Legs and butts were sore and tears were shed, but the fresh pineapple at the end never tasted sweeter.

