Rapamycin: To take or not to take

Slow and Steady vs Fast and Furious

Dear Friend,

Slow and Steady isn’t the sexy movie title intended to catch your eye. In fact, when this became the philosophy for BodyTimeMD, we initially received some pushback.

It’s the opposite of what you see increasingly more common in the longevity marketing world: “Take [molecule of choice] to reverse your age 20 years”

The reason we believe in a slow and steady approach is because it’s tried and true. We have many clients who have lived a healthy life and made overall good lifestyle decisions. These positive choices have huge impacts over the course of decades and it becomes obvious when compared to their peers living a different lifestyle.

Utilize advanced technologies and the latest scientific knowledge, now the results are even more impressive.

Rapamycin Example:

Rapamycin is a molecule we get asked about often. It is the main contender for a longevity molecule miracle drug. Potential benefits are broad from mtor inhibition to an immune system potentiator. However, there is much unknown about it: Dose, frequency, long-term impacts, benefit to humans…the list goes on.

It is unique from other longevity contenders in that it shows benefit even when given in advanced age in mice. This point can play a factor in the strategy: The risk benefit ratio changes with age.

Example 1: 40 year old healthy optimized male:

  • Risk: Unknown impacts of Rapamycin taken for the remainder of life (40-60 years on it)

  • Benefit: Maybe improved health span or life span

Example 2: Same 40 year old above, starts taking Rapamycin at 80 years old (40 years later):

  • Risk: Similar risk as above

  • Benefit: Already achieved health span being 80, maybe squeeze out more function in the remaining years. 40 more years of research data available on Rapamycin compared to example 1.

The above scenarios probably raise more questions and that’s the point. There is no clear answer to these decisions, so it comes down to understanding your current state, goals, and philosophies.

At BodyTimeMD, we consider all options and in the end offer our honest tailored advice with the long-term in mind. Hope this provides some insight, let’s talk if you are interested in finding out more about your body.

 This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute giving medical advice or endorsing any treatment. The use or application of the content herein forms no doctor-patient relationship. The information in this newsletter should not substitute for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

We survived Daddy Daycare. It was a couple weeks filled with fun including Schlitterbahn, off-roading, drive-in movie, Barton springs, and breaking a bunch of rules while Crizen and Kaya were on a mission trip in Africa.

