Starve Cancer

Cancer Prevention - Part 2

Dear Friend,

Last time we discussed how to optimize our immune system to keep cancer in check. Luckily, there are more strategies we can deploy.

Cancer cells are unique in that they prefer to utilize glucose as its energy source, despite this being an inefficient process compared to utilizing fat. This phenomenon is known as the Warburg effect and is the premise for a PET scan which determines the potential spread of cancer.

Utilizing the Warburg effect, the following lifestyle factors can be utilized to prevent and/or fight cancer:

  • Limit carbohydrate intake

  • Extended fasts

Limit Carbohydrate Intake:

This cuts out the preferred nutrient source for the cancer cells. The ketogenic diet is the most extreme version of this, but is difficult to sustain long term. Additionally, a ketogenic diet is not an ideal option for those who metabolize fats poorly and/or have coronary artery disease.

While a ketogenic diet is the most extreme, alternative nutrition plans that decrease carbs and cut out fructose offer similar beneficial impacts and are more sustainable.

Extended Fasts:

Animal studies show that extended fasts of at least 3 days potentiates cells to go through Apoptosis (programmed cell death) and Autophagy (natural degradation and recycling of cells).

Upon refeeding at the end of an extended fast, fresh new cells replace the old cells: A natural cancer prevention technique. 

While an extended fast sounds intimidating, it’s not nearly as terrible as we initially make it out to be. It’s best done with a partner or group for moral support. Our clients’ typically find this to be an educational and net positive experience. The secondary benefits of being clear minded from being in ketosis and the efficiencies gained with time away from the kitchen are also well received.

The challenge with fasting is the loss of muscle mass that comes with it, thus making this a client specific strategy and needs to be utilized strategically.

Next time, let’s talk about VO2 Max as a longevity biomarker.

At BodyTimeMD, we utilize every tool to prevent chronic disease including cancer, which requires hard-work and accountability. Hope this provides some insight, let’s talk if you are interested in finding out more about your body.

 This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute giving medical advice or endorsing any treatment. The use or application of the content herein forms no doctor-patient relationship. The information in this newsletter should not substitute for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Nothing to do with fasting, but a cool dogsled experience in Big Sky. The dogs were quick to challenge Crizen’s alpha status when she took over driving.

