14 years of menopause?

Women's sexual health - Part 1

Dear Friend,

Sexual dysfunction affects more women than men in the US per a JAMA study in 1999.

However, women’s sexual health research and pharmaceuticals do not get the same attention as men.

An area that is most researched is desire:

The correlation of hypoactive sexual desire disorder with a low quality of life. Desire has multiple contributors including psychological health, past experiences, trauma, religion, relationship status, and hormones.

What’s the first step?

  1. It all starts with prioritizing sexual health and the need to optimize it.

  2. Self-reflection and education is next. Many books and online resources are available. Especially helpful for anorgasmia, for those women who never self-learned.

Women’s sexual health is further complicated by drastic hormonal fluctuations in puberty, pregnancy, pre-menopause, menopause, and post menopause. The hormonal changes affect desire/arousal, while also impacting vaginal function.

A common misconception is the duration of menopause, which occurs over the course of 7 years, lasting as long as 14 years. Hormone replacement therapy early in the process can have many advantages and avoid unnecessary suffering.

Another common misconception is that vaginal delivery is a road to sexual dysfunction. Unless a traumatic delivery, all function goes back to normal in 4-6 weeks. Planned C-sections to avoid vaginal delivery is a trend, but this is a poor strategy due to the complications associated with surgery and the long-term risk with intra-abdominal scarring.

Next time we will discuss what we can do about it.

At BodyTimeMD, we get to know the complete individual. Hope this provides some insight, let's talk if you are interested in finding out more about your body.

 This newsletter is intended for informational purposes only and does not constitute giving medical advice or endorsing any treatment. The use or application of the content herein forms no doctor-patient relationship. The information in this newsletter should not substitute for professional medical evaluation, advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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